Frick and Frack Smile at Reporters Asking Questions About Afghanistan

Are you laughing? Does anyone you know find anything remotely amusing and laughable over whats happened with this disastrous… catastrophic withdrawal out of from Afghanistan!? No, is the answer, but these two idiots are getting a real kick out it as of late when reporters try to get serious answers out of them.

Even with the useless mask on you can see this fool grinning from cheek to cheek

The harlot finds this all more amusing than the old fool. Look close you can see she’s got big smile under that stupid useless mask

She of course made a fool of herself overseas…

Everything is amusing to these two, and the media of course makes excuses. This is what happens when you allow progressives to control the election system and counting ballots. To date nothing has really changed, sure there are some new laws, but the heart of it remains the same. The monsters already know where the mistakes were made in 2020 and have shored up those gaps. CA recall election will be a test, if Newsom “just inches out a victory” then the fix is in going into the 2022 midterms = NO conservative sweep.