Fake DHS News Training Video Depicts Gun Owners as Domestic Terrorists, How Much More of This Do We Have to Take?

We know the feds consider gun rights activists, the TEA party, “right wingers” and militia one in the same. All that was missing from this training video were tricorn hats, TEA party memorabilia and a Gadsden flag! So when will we see vids like this about the real terrorists? You know the ones who actually blow up US cities, like Boston, committed by leftist eco-groups, Weather Underground, Occupy, Black Panthers, radical islam etc? When are we going to see videos portraying the real threats to this country versus the scapegoats who have NEVER lifted a finger?

I am so tired of this bullsh*t! I’m tired of CIVIL, RESPECTABLE, LAW ABIDING, CONSTITUTION LOVING, PATRIOTIC AMERICANS BEING TARGETED AND LABELED RADICAL/ POTENTIAL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS WHEN NOT ONE HAS EVER BEEN CONNECTED TO ANY OF THE VIOLENCE THAT HAS TAKEN PLACE THE LAST COUPLE OF YEARS. Not one person deemed a Second Amendment advocate, true die-hard republican, Constitutionalist, TEA party member, FreedomWorks activist, Glenn Beck event participant/ “follower” etc etc has ever been involved in any type of violence related to the political discourse in this country.

You want to know who’s to blame for this stereotyping from the left? You really want to know?

YOU ARE! YOUR SILENCE AND LACK OF ACTION ONLY EMPOWERS the radicals. Too many people on the “right” sit home, bitch and moan to those in their close circle of friends, family and co-workers. Too many Americans who are pissed off about what is going on in this country keep their mouths shut the moment they walk out the door and “take it” from the jerks infesting this country like a virus. There are too many Americans with the “someone else will do/ say something” mentality, or wanting to think it over, have a discussion about “it” while the left bulldozes over this country.

These are same people who sit around saying “what more can I do?”

In direct response to that, I developed 21 Tactics to counter the radicals, civil within the rule of law. There are two more I’d like to share but they require a massive number of Americans on board with STR. Two Tactics sitting in the bullpen to truly demonstrate the power of the people, outside of an election, that will leave the left and those in power speechless.

Let me make it abundantly clear for any leftist trolls or visitors from DC (I know you’re watching btw) these last two like all STR Tactics are civil within the rule of law you just won’t like the effect they will have on your pathetic little world!!

Folks it’s time to be that guy/ gal that goes against the grain, rocking the boat. You want to see the last two Tactics? Get active, get people who want this nation restored on board with STR.