Col Ralph Peters Blasts Obama: Talks Tough But is Gutless, Geeky Kid With Thick Glasses Bullied by Putin

Col Peters has obama nailed down for sure as that book-worm dork in school who somehow rose to the highest power in the world only to be bullied by an ex KGB thug! My concern is the emperor will in fact take action since so many are critical of him as being bullied to show he has a set! Now Putin being the bully he is, isn’t going to stand by and let lil Barry get his way which could very well lead to a nasty face-off between the US and Russia.

Here’s an idea how about instead of the troops fighting from all countries involved the leaders duke it out!? A lot of money, bloodshed and pain could be spared if world leaders would literally fight instead of the innocents caught between these egomaniacs!