Romney vs BHO Speeches After Jobs Figures Are Released

Concerned vs no big deal, truth vs lies, honesty vs smokescreen, serious vs trivial….

Its not 8.2% or 14.8% unemployment America we are at 23% unemployment when you do the real numbers.

We are in a stealth depression!

No double dip recession… we never came out of the recession and things have only gotten worse. Look around with your own eyes and then tell yourself we are better off and doing better now!

Still to this day I hear people saying they aren’t going to vote or will vote for a third party candidate when we all know the third party has NO CHANCE. These naive, selfish people have no clue nor realize to go either path IS a vote for the Emperor. This election is about getting that liar and communist OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE AND… AND getting control of the Senate while holding the House. Without taking them over there is noway to undo the damage the progressives on both sides have done, let alone repeal ObamaTax.

Yes we need a third party or to completely take over the GOP, but thats not happening this year so knock it off. You have this election at the lower levels of state and federal government to push that move. Then again in 2014 where hopefully by 2016 enough of the republican party will be taken over OR enough third party candidates will have been elected that a legit candidate will be a threat to both parties come the 2016 presidential election.

We can survive four years of Romney people. We will not survive another four years under the Emperors reign.