Video – Van Jones
Van Jones Launches Rebuild the Dream Campaign in Hawaii
“This Is A Marxist Revolution That’s Global In Nature!” Beck to O’Reilly
Tom Morello Speaks at #OccupyWallStreet, Hints to Van Jones “bottom up” Philosophy
Guitarist Tom Morello from Rage Against the Machine speaks at #OccupyWallStreet… to the common person he makes sense until he hints to Van Jones’ philosophy of “bottom up”…. “bottom up” is a code word =…
Van Jones Protester Recruiting Video
People Get Out Here and Be a Part of History Because the Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Saving the Country With Their ‘Moral Clarity’
Glenn Beck: Audio of violent rhetoric you will not believe
Van Jones & Al Sharpton Agree Beck ‘Despicable’
Prove what Glenn Beck has been saying for months – SEIU and progressive groups are funding and expanding it
Rush Limbaugh: Obama Is Behind the Occupy Wall Street ‘Riots’
WOW! What a bombshell from Rush!