Al Sharpton: Clint Eastwood Speech ‘Offensive’, ‘Demeaning’
Hmm no different than an old community organizer who is tied with Jesse Jackson as being the biggest race hustler in the country huh Al?
Hmm no different than an old community organizer who is tied with Jesse Jackson as being the biggest race hustler in the country huh Al?
As Rush would say The great Ronaldus Magnus…. Like all the speakers during the RNC convention and President Reagan you will NEVER hear the Emperor speak like this. It’s not him because he doesn’t care…
You know what this is don’t you? They hate that there are minorities in the GOP who are conservative. It blows their whole narrative out of the water that once again all that is left…
“Where does America stand? When friends or foes alike don’t know the answer to that question unambiguously and clearly, the world is likely to be a more dangerous and chaotic place. Since World War II,…
Wow! “In light of the recent national discussion over abortion, it’s important Americans know the President’s best-kept secret: his extreme record on abortion. Melissa Ohden’s powerful story draws a stark contrast to his unbending support…
President Crybaby speaking in Iowa on his lie across America tour. His plans have worked out so well someone please explain to me why anyone would believe this inexperienced petulant child?
Voight, one of the few in Hollyweird to be an open conservative and speak his mind calls the left out on their propaganda. In the second clip he gives Dinesh D’Souza praise over his documentary…
When all else fails and you have a failed record run on scare tactics!
“No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate”