Rush: Incompetence is Used By Democrats To Cover-Up A Cover-Up
The left as a whole has defined incompetence or rather complicity with a corrupt regime.
The left as a whole has defined incompetence or rather complicity with a corrupt regime.
Here is the problem if Mark is right and Hillary committed perjury, who in DC has the balls to indict her? No one to date has been charged for Fast & Furious. So let’s just…
Hillary and emperor 0 hate the military IMO, so like Rush says it makes perfect sense!
If WE want to have good relations with them! They get aid from the taxpayers of the USA but are the ones making demands on respecting them?!?! This is the dhimmitude Lt. Col West was…
Didn’t stop there they also torched a school, Hardees & KFC restaurants! All a result of this imperial regimes failed foreign policies and appeasement! Unreal and this joke of a president is still polling high!…
This man knows what he is talking about. Allen West should be chosen for Secretary of State if Romney wins! Dhimmitude:”is a historical term referring to non-Muslim subjects of a Muslim state.”
Ellison is another uninformed dope in DC who needs to start reading the news! They knew they knew for 48 hours!
WRONG Frankenstein… WRONG!!!! Someone please send this witch a link to Drudge Report. I was under the impression she was privy to national security intelligence seeing that she is the chairwoman for the Senate Intelligence…
Is it just me or do you feel it to? Something is not right with everything going on and how the JOTUS dealing with it.