Bloomberg Police Officers Should Not Protect Americans Until Strict Gun Control Is Enacted
Good job NYC electing this progressive sociopath!
Good job NYC electing this progressive sociopath!
Hahaha love it when liberals are destroyed esp by your average Joe! Ghawi is right too, a killer is going to use anything they can get their hands on to kill in mass.
These dopes apparently forgot about this little operation concocted by the DOJ where IMO they were carrying a direct order by the Emperor to Holder which was called Fast & Furious! Maybe you heard about…
Woo epic @1:10 Ice-T puts this guy in his place!! Not sure where he stand on other issues but Ice-T “gets it” to ones 2nd Amendment rights. He must be considered an outsider to the…
…. logic and reason with the attacks on 2nd Amendment rights coming our way following the Colorado massacre.
This 71 yr old, Samuel Williams, is proof that allowing citizens to be armed does make a difference. And no lefty loons the country will not become a shooting gallery. (BTW take note they are…
C’mon now the we all know why they are all over this politicizing it, Rahm Mayor of the “OK Chicago Corral” Emanuel has always said ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’!
The left demonstrated today they are in fact evil and deserve the label I gave them not too long ago as being monsters. Even the Emperor in a round about way today said to cool…