Rand Paul Reacts to Eric Holder’s Response to His Filibuster
13 hours to get this response…. People wake up this is proof of the level of danger we are under. Here is the full interview with Megyn Kelly
13 hours to get this response…. People wake up this is proof of the level of danger we are under. Here is the full interview with Megyn Kelly
Great effort by Paul but we know the RINO’s will push Brennan through and confirm him.
Careful what you say boys and girls you might be deemed a threat by the imperial regime and paid a visit from a Reaper! …… AG Holder Asserts Authority to Conduct Drone Strikes on U.S….
In a free nation this is true, but in a tyrannical government like the one we are under the government is free to do what it wants with a stroke of their magical pen! Fact…
Code Pink idiots as usual infringing on other’s free speech. Now if they were giving a speech or holding a hearing and it was interrupted you know the left would be screaming bloody murder.