Rush: Obama ‘Running Around Bragging About Killing Bin Laden’ Led To Attack In Benghazi
Barry’s fault… I can live with that!
Barry’s fault… I can live with that!
This is the problem with DC both sides are trying to shaft the other to take blame. Meanwhile we all are getting screwed! Consultant class = establishment
You have to ask yourselves why is the emperor and his propaganda arm so threatened by one network and a handful of guys/ gals on conservative radio? Think about all the news outlets that are…
Everyone is mad but no one with authority is lifting a finger.
I said it before I’ll say it again the NRA better start spending all that money they are sitting on to battle this regime and the elft. They didn’t use it during the election to…
I think I have the emperor partially pegged down… he is a hypocritical, narcissistic, sociopathic, pathological liar! DailyRushbo did this nice edit!
Have you heard the crap 0bama stream media mention anything about the violence in Chicago and DC? Have you heard THIS MONTHS body count? NO, of course not. A mass shooting whose body count is…
Knowing the hate between the Clintons and the Emperor Billy is doing one hell of a job lying on his majesty’s behalf!
Wait I’ll make real easy for all the headlines (already written) that will emerge 1 minute after the debate is over: “0bama Wins Debate”, “First Debate Goes to 0bama”, “Election Over 0bama Wins First Debate”. If…