Al Gore Spews Global Warming Nonsense: ‘Civilization At Risk’

Gore is so concerned over the climate he flies around in private jets, has LARGE multi million dollar homes which use huge amounts of energy, drives around in gas guzzling vehicles. He has dodged numerous challenges by Christopher Monckton to debate the global warming lie, even it being a pay per view venue since Al loves making money.

No one ever points out the world at one time was in an ice age asking him how exactly did the world warm up enough to melt all the snow and ice. No one ever challenges him to explain Sun activity and how if it gets a “fever” we are all fried or if it “hiccups” it will send us all back to the stone age! No one ever challenges him on the companies he owns or is a partner of that are positioned to make $10’s, $100’s possibly billions of dollars off of the climate change green energy scam.

Al Gore is the biggest snake oil salesman on the planet.