Take note from 2000-2008 under the Bush administration debt per person went from $20,000 to $33,000. In 8 years the federal debt increased $13,000 (65%) per person.
Three years under the Obama regime we have gone from $33,000 to $53,000(approx), a 60% increase! Obama in just 3 years 4 mos 6 days has added an additional $20,000 of debt onto the backs of Americans! By 2022 it will more than likely be over $40,000 per person, a 121% increase.
Lets hear the spin and excuses from the demoncrats on this. Let me guess he inherited it, its Bush’s, TEA Party, republicans, conservative, ATM’s, China, tsunamis, earthquakes etc fault? The demoncrats who had a super majority in 2 of those 3 years in the House, Senate and White House had nothing to do with it right?? Uh huh…
This is the same guy who got caught on an open mic making it clear to Russian Pres Medvedev that this is his last election he will have more flexibility, as a lame duck president, to do whatever he wants!
So America are you better off than you were 4 years ago? Do you want another 4 years of this guy? This is no joke, it’s not a game, whomever gets the GOP nomination to run against Obama will need 100% support of sane Americans. We know what the insane will be doing!
Thinking of writing in, voting third-party (yes we need one but not now its too late) or disgusted with the whole thing and not voting come Nov IS A VOTE for Obama.