So the news is spreading that Newt will pull out next Tues. He gave us some great moments during the debates tearing into the Obama Stream Media. Sounds like he is already laying the groundwork to bring everyone together and get that closet communist out of the White House. It would be nice if others would get the hint at this point and pull out too!
I’m no fan of any of the candidates, the guy I want isn’t running. As bad as any of them are NONE of the GOP candidates hold a candle or could do anything even remotely damaging to the US as Obama has done!
You will have to choose between a capitalist or a closet communist in November.
Anyone else, be it write-ins, third-party candidates, choosing not to vote etc you might as well go buy a Obama ’12 t-shirt! We cannot have rogue candidates jumping in and stealing votes from the GOP nominee, any of that will hand the election to Obama. We cannot risk a close election, we cannot risk a repeat of 2000. If that was to happen you know the left will tear this country apart. This election must be decisive with a clear winner. (Yes I said this on an earlier post and will repeat it until folks get the hint). It’s not about the man it’s about the direction of the nation in this election.