Romney Clinches GOP Nomination With Texas Primary Win

AP/Fox News
WASHINGTON – Mitt Romney has clinched the Republican nomination for president with a win in the Texas primary.

The Associated Press delegate count shows that Romney surpassed the 1,144 delegates needed to win the nomination during Tuesday’s primary. Early returns show Romney posting a big win in Texas.

It’s a triumph of endurance for a candidate who came up short four years ago and had to fight hard this year as voters flirted with a carousel of GOP rivals.

Romney reached the nomination milestone with a steady message of concern about the U.S. economy, a campaign organization that dwarfed those of his GOP opponents, and a fundraising operation second only to that of his Democratic opponent in the general election, President Barack Obama.

Ok America after today it’s just about official. Of course we still have to wait for the GOP convention, but for all intents and purposes the lines are drawn. Now some people out there will argue that they will vote third party, write-in or not vote. That’s fine and you are making a statement but let’s get something clear every person who thinks this way is one less vote for Romney and goes to help Obama’s re-election. Yes sorry that’s the truth you can holler and scream, attack me all you want but facts are facts. Anyone who doesn’t like Obama but refuses to support Romney might as well buy Obama ’12 shirts and bumper stickers!

This election must be decisive, we cannot have a repeat of Bush v Gore. Every vote will count and its sad we have so many who are so spiteful putting individuals ahead of the nation. Is Romney my choice for POTUS? NO! Guy I wanted isn’t running but I’m not going to be a sore sport whine and complain and not vote or write in my guy. I will support the nominee who after today is Romney. I’d rather take my chances with four years of Romney than 4 more years of a hardcore leftist radical who has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, domestic terrorists (aka Bill Ayers), blames America for everything wrong in the world, throws the military under the bus yet takes credit for their successes, is communist sympathizer, who eats dog and makes up imaginary girlfriends for books about himself!

During those four years of a Romney administration I would be doing everything possible to help takeover the republican party or get a third party into a position of power through lower elections. In doing this by the time the ’16 election rolls around it should be a major threat to the establishment.

But that’s just me!