Keep in mind the 12.5 million on the books as unemployed are not being included with those 88 million who have been FORGOTTEN in the statistics. So there are over 100 million people in the US not working………
Here are the charts right from the Dept of Labor and Statistics showing the two groups of unemployed.
This is what happens when businesses are taxed, regulated and bullied by unions right out of the nation.
We make nothing here, the US has gone from a producer nation to a consumer/service/ DEBTOR nation. All the production/ manufacturing jobs have gone over seas to, lets call it as we see it, nations that use slave labor. China would be in the lead position as we all know the stories coming out of there and the booming Chinese economy. Headlines like this, Exotic cars selling fast in China, say it all regardless of the ghost towns we hear about being built over there.
Fact is most of the junk we buy is coming from China. What is the solution to this? Can’t really answer that… I mean how do you compete against a nation who utilizes slave labor? If you have two completely identical widgets made out of the same materials where your bottom line cost to produce is $8 and the Chinese made version is $1.50 what can you possibly do? How can you possibly compete with that? Tax (tariff) all Chinese imports? Good luck not going to happen here or in the near future with them owning over a trillion dollars of US debt.
We’ve lost our way for sure allowing big government, unions and tree hugging hippies run our jobs out-of-town. Being one of the forgotten I’ve yet to hear a solution from anyone in DC or running for office on how to turn things around.
The solution is capitalism and to get out of the way of the inventor, innovator and entrepreneur! Let them loose to create and build products of the future that are exclusive to the USA. Once upon a time if you wanted a radio or refrigerator the only country who produced them was the US! We need to allow the free market and innovation get back to that position of power in the markets as our economic survival depends on it.
Do you have any idea what its like to be sitting on ideas for products and not being able to go anywhere with them because you don’t have the money or resources to pursue them? Viable products, some for consumer market, others that could, in theory, revolutionize the nation?! Let me tell you it sucks! What I do know is that this country is insane by allowing the same jerks who got us into this mess to continue in office. We the people keep doing the same thing over and over again, by electing the same people, expecting a different outcome. The same people who have created the negative environment towards business and innovation where we cannot make or build anything anymore! I’ve lost count at the number of times that I have heard companies like Microsoft and Apple could never open shop today because of the regulations and penalties (taxes) that a company has to deal with.
How much more America until you have had enough to understand why we need to clean house Nov 6? Not just in the White House but Senate, House, state and local governments must be re-staffed with new leaders. Will 150 million unemployed get you to stop voting for the same person or is it not clicking in your heads because it hasn’t hit you yet since you still have a job?