A Special Gift for the Unions, Occupy, Thugs aka Monsters in Wisconsin

Yea that’s a special from the heart gift for all your hard work in showing people who and what you all are. Thank you and please keep it up!

So I am expecting the whining to begin shortly about voter intimidation, voter discrimination, the lines were too long, Koch Brothers money and influence was unfair etc.

Look all you little monsters you lost. Accept it, people in this country are not interested in socialism/ marxism and are tired of you trashing cities and towns, the thuggery from you and general disrespect. By all means keep it up and turn it up some more it makes our job easier in defining which direction Americans need to choose moving forward into November!

So go ahead trash buildings, city halls, take dumps in the street, drive around in your hippy mobiles, smoke your dope, start fights, continue to commit crimes in your pathetic gatherings the nation IS watching just like the voters in Wisconsin today!

Oh if I wasn’t clear let me just say it officially… you lost fuck you!