Jay Carney Sneers at Reporter’s Request for Obama’s College Records

Carnival Carney lies when he speaks on the Emperors record of transparency, it’s abysmal to say the least. See the redirect by invoking Trump, this creates the illusion the topic is trivial. The monsters are constantly pushing for Romney to open up his life, then isn’t it time for the Emperor to show the world who he really is? And no we are not talking about the birth certificate. His majesty right before the ’08 election sealed all of his records and no one ever asked why! He wasn’t potus yet to invoke that privilege as other have done once elected… key fact there folks. Other presidents have sealed their records but only after they were elected, Barry did it prior to Nov ’08. That act in itself is proof enough he is hiding something.

If Romney or his handlers had a set of balls they would call him out on this and say we’ll show ours when he shows his!