Leave it to progressive Bloomberg to take the opportunity after this horrific shooting and politicize it. Hey Mike maybe if people’s 2nd Amendment rights weren’t constantly under attack and being infringed someone would have been in that theater to smoke that SOB!!
Mayor Bloomberg Blasts Politics on Guns Following “Dark Knight” Shooting Massacre
TOPICS:"Dark Knight" Massacre: James Holmes10 killed during dark knight premier1212 killed2450Apprx 10 Killed During Movie Massacre in Aurora COAt Least 14 Killed During Movie Massacreaurora baby shootingAurora COaurora coloradoAurora Colordo shootingaurora massacre 2012 moviebatman movie massacreBatman Movie Premiere shootingbatman premierebatman premiere shootingbatman shooter james holmesBatman ShootingBloomberg on gunschildren baby killed movie premiercolorado shootingcolorado shooting 2012dark knight opening movie massacreDark Knight Premier Shooting Apprx 10 Killed During Movie Massacre in Aurora COdark knight premiere massacre in coloradoDark Knight Rises gunmandark knight rises gunman killsdark knight rises premier massacreDark Knight Rises Premier Shootingdark knight rises shootingDead in Colorado Theater Shootingdenver colorado shootingdenver theater shootinggun controlgunmangunman kills movie premierIdentified As SuspectJames HolmesJames Holmes shootermass shooting aurora comassacremassacre aurora comassacre in auroraMayor Bloomberg Blasts Politics on Guns Following "Dark Knight" Shooting Massacremovie premier massacrepoliticsshooting at dark knight premierthe dark knight risesThe Dark Knight Rises shootingupdate breaking news
Posted By: BMartin1776 July 20, 2012