Nat’l Review’s Lowry Destroys MSLSD’s Maddow Over Obama’s $700B in Medicare Cuts TOPICS:700 billiondemocrats cut 700 billion from medicarefund obamacaremadcowmedicare cutNat'l Review's Lowry Destroys MSLSD's Maddow Over Obama's $700B in Medicare CutsNational Review's Rich Lowry Destroys MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Meet the PressobamacareObamaTaxrich lowry detroys rachel maddowrich lowry rachel maddow Posted By: BMartin1776 August 12, 2012 Madcow clearly can’t answer the question and Lowry hammers her repeatedly over the $700 billion demoncrats cut from Medicare to fund 0bamacare 0bamaTax.