!BREAKING NEWS! MSNBC Proves Donald Trump Pays His Taxes (Video)
Ohhhh Rachel Maddow you though you had him didn’t you!? Thanks to you the world now knows Donald Trump pays his taxes ($38M) and in 2005 he paid a higher tax rate (25%) than barack…
Ohhhh Rachel Maddow you though you had him didn’t you!? Thanks to you the world now knows Donald Trump pays his taxes ($38M) and in 2005 he paid a higher tax rate (25%) than barack…
Who is this Madcow to ask a Telemundo Anchor about what the emperor will do to defy the powers delegated to him under the Constitution? Leftist love the idea of obama bypassing Congress, really the…
Sorry I must have missed the Amendment that gives us the right to smoke…. Someone should explain to this guy that smoking is not a right affirmed under the Bill of Rights like guns/ weapons…
Madcow clearly can’t answer the question and Lowry hammers her repeatedly over the $700 billion demoncrats cut from Medicare to fund 0bamacare 0bamaTax.