Yard Sale For Obama

Get the duct tape out…

Mr. I have Hollywood and main stream media in my back pocket, George Soros on the other end of the Blackberry I had to have, now has drones asking Americans to sell their junk in yard sales and then donate those proceeds to his campaign!!

You all know his minions and his regime are trying to paint the picture of David(the Emperor) vs Goliath(Mitt Romney) in campaign funding right? They want the perception that he is the little guy just like you taking on the big evil corporate Wall St executive. This is hardcore class warfare propaganda, disgusting is putting it lightly.
We can all take power back from the billionaires and corporations“.

Just more lies coming from arms of the Office of Propaganda. You are witnessing history repeating itself, I have no doubt what we are seeing today the people of Germany witnessed or took part in as Hitler rose to power. Yes, I just said that! So all you progressive monsters out there can stuff it in your dope pipe and smoke it!!

What the damage the Emperor and his minions are doing, with their lies and deceit I can no longer put into words.

For those of you in the know lets find out more about the group that put this together?! It would not surprise me if they are directly tied to the regime propaganda machine pretending to be “a group of friends from San Francisco and Oakland..”