Obama Denies Apology Tour – Evidence Otherwise

Listen to this anti-American talk! Just disgusting the president of the US would speak this way. How can anyone vote for such a mean, resentful individual is incredible. I can’t see any POTUS prior to him talking like this… he is not a nice guy, he is mean, cold calculated, his actions and words over the last four years is proof.

Here’s why the left and his majesty deny this apology tour, calling it a whopper. They take the claim of apology tour to the literal use of word(s) being used. Since he never says “I apologize”, “apologizing” etc it never happened in their book. Repubs infer it via these examples and anyone using common sense “hears” it loud and clear, but since the actual words “apology/apologize” are never used they say it never happened. It’s a word game with the left, yet they use the reverse tactic against anyone on the right.

We cannot survive another four years of this radical.