Obama Urges Nation To Go Over The Heads Of The NRA And ‘Pressure’ Congress On New Gun Laws

Oh look he has props in badges this time around! Guess we know where they stand on Second Amendment rights!

There you go he just said it at the end “military style assault weapons”. The emperor just admitted he wants something banned based off its appearance! Isn’t that some sick and twisted form of racism??

So my question to his majesty is will he push for legislation to ban anything that looks menacing? What is an assault weapon, define it please? If Mattel rolls out a “Tactical Barbie” will he call for it to be banned? After all the AR-15 is referred to as a Barbie Doll for guys with all the accessories you can put on it. How about trucks built to look like those used in combat, but instead of armor there will be plastic, fiberglass and clever painting to give the appearance they are military style?

This is a very dangerous slope we are coming upon. People are flat-out ignoring the mechanics of these machines and wanting to have them banned solely on cosmetics.

Jessie Duff HannityHave you watched the demonstration by world-class shooter Jessie Duff? I suggest you watch it and pay attention to the results. The weapons not being targeted by his majesty, Feinstein and even that IDIOT Piers Morgan deliver more damage than the round fired from an AR-15!