Dana tore both of these certified degenerates apart.
Morgans goal of course is for no one to be armed as she gets him to admit beginning around 4:00 in.
Pay attention to Jones demeanor for the majority of the video. Like a typical progressive commie snake oil salesman he smiles and tries to make Loesch and gun rights advocates look like crazy people with absurd positions.
These gun grabbing dopes ALWAYS leave out the ability one has to perform a speed reload. It doesn’t matter what the magazine capacity is. If they were 10 round mags they would be reloaded as fast a 30 round mags I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT. Maybe someday someone will do a video firing the same amount of ammo the mass killers shot off but do it using 10 and 30 round magazines, showing little change in time.
These commies also want people to believe that magazine size has something to do with fire rate. If you have fired semi-auto weapons you know fire rate is dependent on how fast you can pull the trigger with your finger! Morgan, Jones and the rest of the gun grabbers want to make sure the truth never gets out to the low information crowd.