Rubio 2009: You Cannot Grant Amnesty

Whoever will be his primary challenger this video is all you need to blow Rubio out of the water! It’s as damaging as Bush 41’s “read my lips, no new taxes” statement.

Marco Rubio has proven how naive and desperate the American people have become. Because we have been so beat up by the liars and cheats in DC we jump at someone who speaks as he did in 09/10 to win his Senate race.

Folks let this be a lesson that we need to vet every single candidate and not trivialize or blow off even the most remote comments they make. Granted we won’t find Mr/ Ms perfect but surely there were some warning signs about Rubio people blew off and voted for him because we liked the majority of what he had to say.

Marco I am going to say what you colleagues in DC won’t say: You Are A LIAR!
For those in Florida there is a petition started to get him recalled, good luck!