Rush: Immigration Bill Designed To Destroy GOP

America I cannot stress it enough this bill MUST BE STOPPED. If you think we got screwed with Obamacare you ‘ain’t seen nothin yet’! This immigration bill will do more damage to the nation immediately than 0care. ILLEGAL ALIENS coming across the border is up by 9%!

This nation is incapable of supporting our own with 7.6%(really 22-23%) unemployment with record numbers of Americans on food stamps and disability. What do you think is going to happen when millions more are here? I can’t really give you a number because Schumer and company are keeping that to themselves!

People need to be more active and engaged than they were in 2009-10 during the health care debate. Republicants won’t earn one hispanic vote after all this. As Rush argues all it will do is destroy the GOP. The demoncrats know this, they know all they will accomplish with this is to create a permanent dependent entitlement voting class.