Bill O’Reilly continues his jihad against race hustler Al Sharpton. Bill O called Sharpton out over his tirade following O’Reilly’s epic rant against the race hustler industry which is contributing to the deterioration of the black community while profiting off of them. You have to wonder if Bill O at this point is setting the dopes up because since he started this attack on the racist industry, he’s had the side of truth on his side baiting these idiots in to run their mouths off the real issues making fools of themselves.
Even lib CNN host Don Lemon agrees with O’Reilly but that doesn’t stop the hustlers. Following the talking points Dr Ben Carson chimed in agreement thanking O’Reilly for speaking the truth. Carson went on to say this is Alinsky tactics in full effect to change society by secular progressives.
The racist industry is going to milk this for as long as they can to drive the racial divide while getting rich off it via speaking engagements and through the entertainment industry. That is what it’s really about for Sharpton, Jackson and even Darth Hussein money and power!