I know most people are sick of the Zimmerman but this is pure entertainment! Matt Patrick, hosts a radio show on Houston’s KTRH 740, takes on local Black Panther leader Quanell X who denies the use of any facts used to come to a verdict.
The case isn’t going away by the way, so if you think this will fade away I have doubts. It has created a huge surge in charges of racism, even Martins parents have now changed their tune where Tracy martin s now claiming had his son been white he would not have been killed.
The left is going to milk this for everything they can. Stand Your Ground Laws are going to come under fierce attack sooner or later the ball has already been set in motion by the emperor, Eric Holder and a number of race hustlers. Then you have radical groups, celebrities etc calling for boycotts against Florida, so we’re just getting started kids!