Krauthammer did a good simple explanation why the regime delayed 0-care. If it was to be implemented now jobs would be cut from companies with 50 or more employees. Along with that they will cut full-time hours down forcing many already employed to seek part-time work to make up the difference in lost pay. That in itself makes the unemployment problem in the country even worse. 26 million+ can’t find work, now consider any part-time job they might go after would be in jeopardy because full-time workers will go after those jobs.
The regime doesn’t want any of this juggling for jobs and businesses working the system (via cutting jobs and hours) before the midterm elections. It is our job to make sure people understand what is going on. It has nothing to do with the evil GOP obstructing implementation or funding. It has to do with the fact of job and employee hours being cut and insurance rates skyrocketing under Obamacare!
Do Not Argue with the drone army share the facts with those who will listen and walk away!