Krauthammer: Obama’s 1st Goal Is To Hook Americans On Healthcare Heroin

This regime defines lawlessness as Krauthammer explains. They do not care whether or not any action they take is Constitutional or not. None of it really matters though because this is all by design there are two theories in play:

  1. The regime wants to get as many people as possible on obamacare while having “delays” to push the formal implementation calendar back to make it past 2014 midterms into 2015. Why? Simple if you have a large population already on obamacare with portions of it “in the system” it will be very difficult to repeal it if by an act of God Republicans regain control. The argument years ahead will be “are you going to take healthcare away from these people? What are they suppose to do? DIE?!”
  2. The more insidious plan myself and many others see coming is that obamacare will be such a nightmare it will come apart WITH people already locked into it and the only remedy will be to switch over to single payer! This theory is based on the emperors own words as well as more recently lib loon Howard Dean, both have said it is the end goal.