This is a video you will find going viral soon because it was renamed “Oliver Stone Calls For A New American Revolution!” Sorry to tell those of you with a death wish I didn’t hear that anywhere in the video!
What I do hear is a message by someone and an organization you may/ may not agree with saying enough is enough with the government treating us like subjects, criminals, even terrorists. I see a man saying “hey speak out against tyranny”, but there is no call for a revolution. I see a man saying our civil liberties are being eroded by an over bearing government that has too much power. I see a man saying reach out to your representatives and tell them to put a stop to this.
Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers can be looked at as patriots or traitors but the fact remains because of what they have done we know we’re all under massive surveillance for no reason. We are under surveillance for simply expressing ourselves and existing. We have done nothing wrong, and that in itself isn’t an excuse for the NSA or other agencies to watch us “if we have nothing to hide”.
I hear too many people saying “so what I have nothing to hide who cares”. What people who say things like this don’t realize is you have given away more of your rights and freedoms by thinking this way. And that boys and girls is the message I believe Stone is trying to get across in the video. Speak out, put a stop to this or we will lose more of our civil rights/ liberties.
We can fight the left and a tyrannical government without bloodshed. Whomever is responsible for renaming the video and spreading it around as a call for a revolution shame on you! You are no different from the race hustlers trying to start trouble in Florida or even Chuck Schumer calling for mass uprising if the left doesn’t get its way with immigration reform! You’re trouble makers, and those of us seeking to restore this nation to its Constitutional glory will not tolerate any of you!
Anyone calling for a revolution, violent uprising etc has no idea what they are talking about nor have they weighed the ramifications of starting an actual fight. This is the real world, real people, INNOCENT people will get hurt and die because a few of you watch too many movies and listen to alarmists who are only in business to profit off of your paranoia! It never goes the way you see it in your head or in a movie! I would suggest watching some hardcore videos coming out of Syria right now for you Rambo wannabes.