I wish folks would steer clear of this smokescreen created by Hillary Clinton’s camp and the regime to throw people off. There are many holes with the birth certificate theory, but they are so big and so out in the open it leads a bad taste in one’s mouth that it was orchestrated! Work off the facts that the left has used to debunk the birth certificate to your advantage! What am I talking about? What is the emperors LEGAL NAME/ IDENTITY? No one is addressing this, everyone is hell-bent to prove his majesty was born in Africa and the birth certificate a fake. Yet we have leftist organizations backing up my long time theory when they debunk the BC his majesty, let me be clear through NO MALICE on his part, is committing identity fraud.
His name was as far as we know was Barry Soetoro when his mother remarried and he went to school in Indonesia. I have not found a definitive answer that he was in fact adopted by Lolo Soetoro. The school records and how the system worked then would indicate he would have had to in order to be able to attend school. His mother’s marriage fails, Barry is sent back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. When was his name changed back from Barry Soetoro to Barry Obama? Who would think to do a legal name change back after a failed second marriage on a 10yr old when he lived in another country? Back then I think any of us would have missed it and just called the kid by the name we have always known them by! Since Jan of 2011 I have held this theory you can read more about here. In a nutshell his majesty is really hiding his legal name not his place of birth!