Obama: No Deficit Crisis, Healthcare Costs Dropping Under Obamacare

YOU @#$%^& LIAR!

Darth Hussein has been running TRILLION dollar deficits since he SEIZED power through deception.

2012 marked the fourth straight year—and the only four years in the history of the nation–when the federal government’s deficit topped $1 trillion.~CNS

Look at who he is talking to! I see nothing but young people. More than likely uninformed unengaged young people who believe the propaganda coming out of his mouth. We have reports out of costs going up everywhere because of obamacare. Businesses are cutting hours, production to cope with the economic impact of obamacare. The obaminable bill is having the complete opposite effect he is claiming to these drones! UPS just cut 15,000 spouses from their healthcare plan because of obamacare.

Meanwhile America and all the Keyboard Patriots remain silent taking it in the a$$ again from this marxist!