Rush: Obama to ‘Hijack’ MLK 50th Anniversary to Advance Political Agenda

Every event be it MLK anniversary or a Holiday the emperor hijacks it and makes it about him! I really believe he thinks he is the emperor and that is why I address him as such. I don’t do it to be wise-ass or funny.

Everything he does, every speech he gives is cold and calculated on how to promote himself and advance his radical agenda. His speech tomorrow will be racially divisive as usual, he will attack the rich pushing more class warfare, talking about social and economic justice and last but not least a call for immigration reform. You would think black leaders would pick up on this and find some level of offense but no they just pile it on. Any conservative speaks out they are a racist and bigot and even worse happens if they’re a black conservative.

If Dr King were alive today I believe he would have some choice words for obama, similar to those you hear from Bill O’Reilly and Dr Ben Carson!