Rep Gohmert Talks to About Shutdown Warns Obama ‘Getting Close to a High Crime and Misdemeanor’

The only way the US goes into default is by emperor obama doing just as Rep Gohmert stated. His majesty would have to VIOLATE the Constitution, more specifically the 14th Amendment, and instruct the Treasury Secretary not to pay our bills!

I know many folks out there are tired of hearing talk from Congress members about impeachment but you have to understand they cannot just “do it”. They have to make sure there is enough evidence to make it stick because they will only get one shot at it where the socialists will not be able to deny what his majesty has done. The Senate IS the biggest problem with impeaching obama. As Gohmert explains there is no bipartisanship coming from them over the debt debate, so in order to get the impeachment through we are going to need something even they will not be able to dismiss!