Axelrod: GOP Won’t Win if They’re Only Anti-Obamacare in 2014

You know what this is? Can you smell it? This is Fear!

Axelrod being the former Director of Propaganda for the imperial emperors regime is using reverse psychology here. The election results in VA prove people are PO’d about obamacare, Davie is lying through his teeth about the results and who believes polling anymore?! Need I remind you of the poll socialists repeatedly use about “90% of Americans favor more gun control” which is total bogus based off an MSLSD poll of only 1200 people! Polls have been so inaccurate over the last couple years it makes you wonder if they aren’t just making them up at this point. Cuccinelli’s loss was fractional compared to the 17 point deficit it had weeks ago. Had Karl Rove and the GOP not abandoned him and squashed the democrat plant in libertarian candidate Sarvis, Cuccinelli would have won! Axelrod KNOWS THIS and that is why he is making this statement that running solely on obamacare won’t win seats for the republicans.

Running solely on obamacare is dangerous but it should be the top bullet point in any conservative candidates platform, followed by the basics of less government, pro-Constitution etc etc. Obamacare is not going to be fixed over the next year, it will be patched here and there but fact remains millions will be screwed. Socialists who voted for obamacare and to this day stand by it need to be attacked relentlessly, esp those doing a 180° like Sen Mary Landrieu who need to be absolutely hammered! 2014 election is “our” race to lose, the socialists have dug their graves ramming obamacare through and standing by it. If “we” lose in 2014 then you will have no one to blame but yourselves.