Axelrod Slams Clinton Over Her Claims Why She Lost (Vid)
Not a fan of David Axelrod but he has Hillary Clinton dead to rights as to why she lost the election. FBI Director Comey’s letter to Congress didn’t cost her the election, it pointed out…
Not a fan of David Axelrod but he has Hillary Clinton dead to rights as to why she lost the election. FBI Director Comey’s letter to Congress didn’t cost her the election, it pointed out…
Obama is beyond delusional in this exit interview with David Axelrod… “Two points I would make though, David, because obviously in the wake of the election and Trump winning, a lot of people have —…
Axeldouche seems to be coming down with a case of obama-itis! Whats that? When obama lies he stutters a lot and old Davey boy here is stuttering worse than I’ve ever seen any regime member…
“…the administration we have now we’re on very dangerous turf. Everything to them is using politics and the tools of government as a weapon to get ahead.” Dan Bongino spoke on the Kuhner Report expressing…
You know what this is? Can you smell it? This is Fear! Axelrod being the former Director of Propaganda for the imperial emperors regime is using reverse psychology here. The election results in VA prove…
I warned just yesterday the regime would use the Zimmerman verdict to re-ignite their attack on the Second Amendment following the emperors first salvo buried in his response. Well here you go kids the second…
The imperial regimes top propagandist took to the air to make excuses and justify the delay in implementing the employer mandate. Our lives have been equated to “optics”! The bill is bad it’s going to…
You just got to love watching the left tearing each other apart over these scandals! Nice being vindicated through their own self-destruction. Will the MSLSD dopes ever get it that our rights are under assault…
This was a good Miller Time segment, Dennis made some great points starting with his lead in. He is probably right no one will rush to take credit for the attack knowing the outright killing…
No Axeldouche a terrorist attack is a terrorist attack… as far as the people are concerned this regime is once again protecting a terrorist attack carried out by radical islam until proven otherwise.