ABC’s Jonathan Karl pushes the Minister of Propaganda to cite when obama said you could keep you health plan IF your insurance company hasn’t changed. Of course Carnival Carney cannot answer the question, gets agitated with the questions and stonewalls claiming his majesty was talking about the law. Obama NEVER referred to the law when he made his promises that if you liked your doctor and health plan you could keep them. There are plenty of compilation videos of him promising over and over again and never once was the “IF” he now added monday in any of those previous speeches.
America you were warned that what you see and hear with your own eyes and ears you would be told isn’t so. What was liquid is now solid and what is solid is now liquid. Goebbels would be so proud of what is taking place right now. The entire press corp should have stomped on Carney but as usual they remained silent to the constant lies coming from this propagandist.