Race has nothing to do with impeaching Eric Holder. The man is not doing his job, he has in fact played a role in running guns to Mexico, refusing to prosecute thugs for voter intimidation, going after reporters for doing their job and the list goes on and on. Holder stands in the way of any meaningful type of investigation into this corrupt administration too. The man is a complete and utter failure like his boss and it is time for him to go!
By progressive standards complete failures like Holder and obama should be left in positions of authority because of their skin color. Dr King is rolling in his grave right now! Race hustlers are like cannon fodder for this administration. The regime knows they cannot win the argument so they send these racists out anyway to do some damage and act as a diversion.
The progressives are up against a wall with obamacare failing miserably which is why they are pulling the race card again whether it is this loon, Oprah or some know it all university professor to divert attention. They have no arguments left to defend obamacare and the chaos it has created so they must pivot and pull the race card now on almost all issues. In the last two weeks obamacares architect Zeke Emmanuel has blamed Bush, the GOP and Fox News for the laws failure, who wants to bet the next time he is on he will claim racism!?