The difference between the Nixon and the obama administrations is Congress. It’s a clear slap in the face of Americans that Nixon was impeached over some petty thefts and wiretapping and obama is left unscathed with Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS targeting conservatives, DOJ seizing phone records, NSA spying on Americans, aiding and abetting our enemies in the middle east and of course pulling a bait and switch with obamacare. We have a do nothing Congress who is complicit with the destruction of our healthcare system and economy!
93 million people are going to lose their healthcare plans and you can bank on the regime BLAMING the evil insurance corporations. They will then shift the blame on capitalism as those seeds are already being panted daily in propaganda talking points by his majesty and his minions! “The old healthcare system failed” that system they talk about is capitalism.
The president of the United States along with the help of Congress and the media have committed the largest act of fraud in US history and have gotten away with it! Worst off they assisted in getting him re-elected by hiding the truth. Had any of this been released prior to the 2012 election obama would have lost by a landslide!
In 2009 the people of America marched on DC in protest of obamacare prior to it being passed. Four years later everything “we” warned would happen is happening but those Americans who protested are nowhere to be found.