Hannity Guest Goes on Insane Tirade Claiming Apartheid Exists in America

Leo Terrell is back to his old self making insane allegations jumping on Jesse Jacksons race hustling train that in states like Utah, Idaho apartheid exists! Conservative Crystal and Hannity countered with examples proving otherwise but you know lefties they deny it all.

I have had just about enough of people claiming there is apartheid or racism in the US. If that were true how is it obama got elected twice to the presidency? How did so many black politicians in Congress and at state level get elected, let alone remain in office for years even decades? How do the race hustlers account for the long list of successful black entertainers? We are so racist Oprah Winfrey came from nothing to be a billionaire, social engineering generations to her twisted views!

Tell you what you don’t like it here, you think the US is a racist nation sell you junk, quit your, job buy a one way ticket to any nation of your choice and get the hell out of here! You make no sense staying in a country you think hates you! LEAVE NOW! I’m not kidding or being silly get the hell out!