WH Can’t Guarantee That People Signing Up For ObamaCare By Dec 23 Will Have Insurance Jan 1

This is all a load of crap because there is NO payment system set up yet! If I understand it correctly there is no communication/ notification between the obamacare website and insurance companies either, so there is no way for them to contact people and say “hey pay up!”

This whole thing is a joke people who need care that are sick or just getting over a life threatening illness are losing their care. Who in their right mind would torch a system that is working for millions for a handful who are left out for a myriad of reasons? In democrats eyes the 30 million without healthcare justified destroying the system for an entire nation?! Funny thing if those 30 million are so desperate for care how come only 364,000 have signed up?

Simple solution to the healthcare problem would have been to create something of those left out, create regs to not deny pre-existing conditions etc. But no as always demoncrats took to the only solution they know which is like using a hand grenade to kill an ant! Those saying it will all change after the midterm elections keep dreaming…