Chicago Black Grassroots Activists React to Obama’s SOTU: More Hurtful to the Black Race Than Helpful

“If this is what you call helping us, then stop helping us.”
I think the black community in Chicago is waking up to the lie called obama. We got a hint of this a while back during an Al Sharpton town hall on gun violence, which completely backfired on the race hustler, where the people attending expressed they had enough of political machine doing nothing for them. We can only hope this is just a snapshot of other communities across the country of people realizing how badly they have been duped by this fraud occupying the White House.

Conservative groups need to each out to these people invite them into the discussion about moving forward and how to deal with the coming midterm elections. These are the people whose doors we have been banging on to join us. They are ready lets help them and take back this country!