Krauthammer: Stop Obamacare Bailout For Insurance Companies Now

Insurance companies need young healthy people enrolled in their over-priced govt designated health plans to compensate for those signing up who need legitimate medical care. Since the sign ups are well below expectations someone will have to foot the bill since the revenue from premiums is nonexistent. That said insurance companies will look for a government (taxpayer funded) bailout! You see America one way or another you will pay for this disastrous piece of crap law.

When those dolts return to DC from their unteenth vacation the first order of business should be addressing this bailout gem buried in barackobamacare. I will expect to see republicans present a repeal or amendment voiding it with demoncrats whose seat that are in jeopardy joining them. BUT his majesty will never allow any part of barackobamacare to be repealed. He didn’t go along with doing a simple delay Ted Cruz and the rebels were calling for before the rollout do you really think he will sign a repeal for the insurer bailout? Of course he won’t because he knows if that happens then other repeals will get through too! This is why since the shutdown he and Reid have stood their ground with the implementation of this obaminable law! No they are going to screw us again with another massive bailout!

We are learning more and more whats in the bill now that the socialists have passed the bill huh Nanzi Pelozei!?