Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Repeal the Third Amendment to Allow the Quartering of Soldiers

It has been a while but here is another installment of how obamarhoids are ready and willing to take a match to the Constitution for his majesty. The trigger in this was over low military pay, to suggest cost cutting for military housing to help obama and in a military city like San Diego this is disturbing to watch. Mark Dice clearly states to these idgets the purpose of the petition is to support obama and to repeal the Third Amendment allowing soldiers to live wherever they want for free, “by repealing the third amendment we’ll help keep the housing costs down of the military. Because then they could choose which house they want to live in and they could just maybe live at your house or you know at anybody’s house really. That whole not quartering troops during peacetime third amendment just kinda unfair..”

I have come to the conclusion that the Constitution is not even taught thoroughly in schools anymore. People are well aware of the First, Second and Fifth Amendment because they are used in leftists talking points to abuse the people by this radical government. What these people at the least should have done was refuse and say “I’ll sign a petition to cut Congresses pay and support an amendment for term limits!” I guarantee you if Dice was to attempt at that petition some libs would probably sick the police on him!