Everyone paying attention? Not only are more troops on food stamps but what did his majesty just do? He increased minimum wage for federal workers (“low-level”) but continues to leave military base pay at the poverty level for enlisted (private, airman, seamen aka “low-level”) with no family at approx $18K! Those with families (spouse and child) start out at $20K! Our Congressional leaders job is part-time and they start in the low six figures and it only goes up from there. Don’t forget about how many of them started with nothing and are now multi-millionaires! Want to talk about income inequality it’s rampant in the military but you don’t hear any of the progressives whining about it do you?
When are you people in the military going to wise up and stop sitting on the sidelines? You have a duty to this nation to protect it against all enemies foreign and domestic, that for whatever reason is being ignored. If terrorists or some other enemy threatened out economic system and way of life you would handle them. Your handlers are in fact doing to this nation what others have threatened to do and you remain silent. You are taken for granted, used and abused by the very people destroying this nation. So much for your oath to protect and defend…