New York State Senator Proposes Requiring Parents to Take Parenting Classes From Government

Is it any surprise such an absurd proposition would come from a progressive state? It’s actually genius when you think about it! Progressives are doing such great job dumbing down and making people dependent on govt that a generation is now coming up incapable of raising their children. Parents today get walked on by their kids, the same kids being educated that govt knows all, you don’t have to listen to your parents etc. You follow? Pure genius, so it makes total sense that a progressive state senator would say hey parents you need to be educated how to raise your kids. This is another example of the creeping fascism in the US that remains totally unnoticed because the drones are too busy watching the Kardashians to emulate in daily life and studying useless sports stats to sound intelligent at work or get togethers!

Those of you with a shred of intelligence and common sense in NY you need to get the hell out of that state asap, you are not welcome in NY, Cuomo and de Blasio have made that clear!