Sharpton: $14 Million Wasted Investigating ‘Phony’ IRS Scandal

OMG this race hustler is lying through his teeth, this is just another example of the MSDNC propaganda machine. Only a handful of liberal groups were scrutinized by the IRS who were given tax exempt approval after a very short period of time. There are countless conservative & TEA Party groups still waiting years after applying to get tax exempt approval. The waiting time alone is proof of a scandal that this progressive tool dismisses.

Sharpton’s lies IMO are part of a new narrative cooked up most likely by the white house that all the horror stories about the IRS and obamacare are untrue. The timing from when Reid called obamacare victims liars to other dems saying it and now Sharpton saying the IRS scandal is phony is too convenient. Maybe a stretch to some but at this point anything is possible. This administration and its ilk have proven how well-coordinated they are.