Rep Chaffetz Responds on Lois Lerner Requesting 1-Week Delay to Testify on IRS Scandal

Rep Issa claims Lerner is going to testify this wednesday, her attorney says otherwise and now we hear she wants to delay it a week?!! Only an arrogant elitist from the imperial regime would defy a subpoena! LOL who wants to bet Lois Lerner is going to pull the 5th Amendment and clam up? I’m sure Sub-President Jarrett has had many phone calls with Lerner telling her exactly what she can and cannot say. I think someone ought to get a look at who is going into the white house the next few days especially if Lerner is granted the 1 week delay.

We are never going to get a straight answer on this scandal. Congress has failed to hold anyone accountable for Fast & Furious, have allowed the regime to stonewall any progress on Benghazi even going as far as hiding… HIDING witnesses, nothing will come from this IRS investigation either!