The playing field is being leveled out and the communists in DC are not happy. Don’t you love their hypocrisy where one minute they praise the Supreme Court when it rules in their favor and then they demonize SCOTUS when things don’t go their way! Ellison’s billionaires comment is just outlandish because we know who he is talking about. He and the other lefty loons can go after the libertarian Koch’s all they want, but how many billionaires fund the left? How many closet commies are pawns of the leftist billionaires club? Soros, Bloomberg, Steyer, Zuckerberg off the top of my head are sinking 10’s & 100’s of millions into the radical left cause. Ellison and all the other DC destroyers ALWAYS leave these names out when they go on the attack.
And then this crap speech wouldn’t be complete without the CAIR agent Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer pulling the race card with his Dred Scot comparison.